Courtney davis

Courtney serves as the Program Manager for OFN’s Opioid & Stimulant Faith Response Outreach.

Courtney began her educational career at Rose State University, where she earned an Associate in Arts degree, focusing on Nutrition, Psychology, and Human Relationships. Fuelled by a profound interest in psychology, she pursued further studies at Capella University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. Along the way, she was honored to be recognized as a member of the Psi Chi National Psychology Honors Society.

Her journey of advocacy and community outreach started during her early twenties and has been an integral part of her life ever since. She’s always had a passion for serving others, and this has led her to engage in various initiatives aimed at making a positive impact in under-served communities.

One of her deepest passions is advocating for substance abuse prevention and recovery. Having witnessed the struggles firsthand, she’s dedicated to raising awareness, providing support, and fostering hope for those affected by addiction.

She’s had the privilege of working in various roles, including crisis counseling at Northcare, where she had the opportunity to support individuals facing mental health challenges, participated in presenting to Rotary clubs, Chamber of Commerce of SW OKC and more. She was excited to partner with Skyline Urban Ministry, Mission Mid-del, and other agencies who care for our community. Later, she transitioned to Women's Firstep, where she served as a Case Manager, Assistant Director, and Care Coordinator, focusing on substance abuse recovery, educational classes on relapse prevention and coping skills, family reunification, and partnerships with many counties, District Attorneys, Attorneys, Oklahoma County Drug Court, HOPE, Healing Hands, and more.

In addition to her professional endeavors, she’s honored to serve as a member of the Moving Forward with Faith Initiative Statewide Advisory Council. Through this role, she plans to contribute to statewide efforts in mental health advocacy, furthering the mission of supporting and empowering individuals on their journey towards healing.

She believes that together, we can create positive change and make a difference in the lives of others. Whether you're seeking support, resources, or simply looking to connect, she invites you to join her on this journey of advocacy, empowerment, and hope. Together, let's embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and inspire change.


It all started when…

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