suicide prevention

Get Involved

We want to bring suicide awareness and prevention trainings to your faith community! Fill out the form below if you’re interested in hosting - you gather your people, and we’ll provide the training.

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Resources for Faith Communities

Faith leaders from multiple religious traditions discuss how they are supporting people at risk for suicide and their families, and reducing its stigma in their communities. This webinar highlights the importance of the new 988 Lifeline which makes it easier for individuals in crisis to connect with someone who can help.

Being alert to potential warning signs can save a life. Most people who end their lives exhibit one or more warning signs, either through what they do or what they say. To support someone who is having suicidal thoughts, follow the 5 Steps.

988 is a direct, three-digit lifeline that connects you with trained behavioral health professionals that can get all Oklahomans the help they need. Anyone can call or text the number to get help, but it’s also a hub for all KINDS of amazing resources you and your community can use to promote support and connection. They have so many fun designs, posters, stickers, etc. ready for download to order at your favorite place. Find something great at

In Oklahoma, 66% of firearms deaths were suicides, and 63% of all suicides were by firearms. Limiting access to firearms can be a major tool to prevent suicide. To receive free gun locks, email us at